Just because enable many advantages and facilities to builder comparing with classic hollow brick:
1. Building with IZOBLLOK 31 means the wall width of 31 cm, its ECONOMICAL, since there is no need for other additional insulated materials.
2. The house build by IZOBLLOK 31 is more THERMAL INSULATED than by classic hollow brick, since on winter heating expenses and on summer cooling expenses are lower.
3. IZOBLLOK 31 impedes outside noises to get inside of the house, offering pleasant living conditions.
4. IZOBLLOK 31 reduces construction period by 40 - 50 % since for 1m2 are sufficient 16 bricks only.
5. IZOBLLOK 31 saves mortar participation up to 40%
6. Construction with IZOBLLOK 31 is ECOLOGICAL since the brick is made by Clay, Flame, Water and Air.
7. IZOBLLOK 31 is in compliance with all European construction standards.
We invested millions of Euro in modern technology in order to bring this product in Kosovo too, literally now as a domestic product.Good and affordable.
Now, is yours to try it and be convinced for all these advantages of this brick during construction and inhabitation later on.
Certainly, for the house constructed by IZOBLLOK 31, would be thankful and grateful your successors.
We encourage and support you to build with IZOBLLOK 31 since we stay loyal to our construction principle.